Kyle Andrew Clinton
Kyle Andrew Clinton born July 4th 1988 passed suddenly on February 7th 2023 at his home in Hagersville at the young age of 34. The only son of Joan Smith (Ernest Thebeault) and Joseph Clinton (Debbie Duvall) and beloved brother to Jennifer Clinton (Michael McCormick) and Alysha Clinton. Predeceased by his grandparents Betty, Barbara, Bill and Ben and his youngest sister Jessica. Kyle was the middle child in the Clinton trio, and the friendliest person many had ever met. Kyle loved music, he was never without his headphones and always had a song to recommend to everyone he knew. Kyle also loved his cat B.B., growing houseplants, the outdoors and could never turn down an ice cold cup of milk or a double double. Kyle was made of joy, he could lift your spirits even during the darkest times and always had a well-timed joke to go with every moment. Kyle will be remembered for his ostentatious personality, his ability to make friends with anyone and his unwavering love of the people in his love. Kyle loved hard and with his entire heart.
We will be sharing our love of Kyle on Thursday February 16th at the Hyde & Mott Chapel, 60 Main St. S., Hagersville ON from 2-4 pm. with refreshments afterwards at the home of Joan and Ernest. Donations, flowers and cards may be sent to Joan Smith or Jennifer Clinton.